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instruments research and educationAuxiliary devices that can be used with PowerLab systems for specialized investigations such as organ bath experiments, electrophysiology and gas analysis.

Explore our range of physiology, pharmacology and respiratory instruments below.

instruments research and education

Auxiliary devices that can be used with PowerLab systems for specialized investigations such as organ bath experiments, electrophysiology and gas analysis.

Explore our range of physiology, pharmacology and respiratory instruments below.

List of Instruments

The Gas Analyzer allows the continuous measurement of respiratory gas concentrations from rats through to humans. It houses an infrared carbon dioxide sensor and optical oxygen detector. The CO2/O2 respiratory gas analyzer samples expired gas from a mixing chamber with a damped, micro-vacuum sampling pump. A flow control knob on the front of the unit provides sampling rates of 35 to 200 ml/min, although maximum flow values may vary for different sizes and lengths of tubing.

The Pressure Signal Conditioner is a two-channel amplifier/interface unit for connecting one or two Millar Mikro-Tip catheters.

For the invasive measurement of ventricular pressure and volume in rodents (mice and rats).

Obtain non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurements from mice and rats with the NIBP System, in conjunction with a PowerLab system option.

Used to control flow of biological liquids for Langendorff or other isolated perfused organ preparations.

A reliable, pulse-free peristaltic pump providing ultra-smooth flow.

For measurement of ventricular pressure and volume in small (mice, rats) through to large animals (dog, sheep, pig).

The Transonic Flowmeters provide accurate and precise measurement of fluid volume flow in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo, which can be recorded with an Instrument Interface and/or PowerLab data acquisition systems.

A single-channel laser Doppler blood flowmeter used with a specialized fiber optic probe (purchased separately) to measure blood cell perfusion in the microvasculature of tissues and organs.

A perspex, single-chambered organ bath that is ideal for student classroom use.

The Intracardiac Electrophysiology Stimulator/Amplifier is an integrated stimulator and amplifier that is specifically designed to work with Millar electrophysiology catheters and an Instrument Interface and/or PowerLab data acquisition system for in vivo or in vitro intracardiac electrophysiology studies.

General purpose stimulators (4 and 8 Channel) that can be controlled by a trigger signal from the PowerLab.

SuperLab software is used in stimulus presentation studies.

The Equivital SEM is the center of the Equivital system. When connected to an Equivital Sensor Belt (purchased separately) and worn on the body it allows recording of ECG, Respiratory Rate, Skin Temperature and acceleration (3 axis).

Designed to maintain cardiac function of isolated heart preparations in working heart mode. Several sizes are also available to accommodate different heart sizes including mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit or cat.

This digital, heated circulator allows temperature control from ambient temperature to 120°C. Ideal for the bench top.

Suitable for EEG, ECG and extracellular recordings, it is ideal for teaching and is included in the Neuroscience Kit.

A compact, self-contained, thermostatically-controlled unit for the Langendorff perfusion of isolated small animal hearts. Use the Quote Request button below for information on Langendorff apparatus pricing.

The Model 2200 Analog Stimulus Isolator is designed for a wide variety of applications. It provides opto-electrical isolation for stimuli generated by a wide range of signal sources. The signal is DC-coupled, and can take on any waveshape within its wide bandwidth.

Designed to work in conjunction with Finapres® NOVA NC Systems, FMS offer a range of purpose built software applications that can be added at any stage for high end clinical functionality.

A glass apparatus designed to maintain the function of an isolated rodent (mouse or rat) liver or kidney preparation, and measure up to two perfusion pressures in the perfusion circuit.

The NaviCyte Vertical Ussing Chamber System is designed to simultaneously maintain and run up to six Ussing chambers in a single holder. The holder is paired with suitable epithelial voltage clamp systems to measure epithelial electrophysiological parameters.

Designed to maintain cardiac function of isolated heart preparations in constant perfusion flow Langendorff mode, and are available in recirculating and non-recirculating configurations. Several sizes are also available to accommodate different heart sizes including mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit or cat.

Designed to maintain cardiac function of isolated heart preparations in gravity-fed constant perfusion pressure Langendorff mode, and are available in recirculating and non-recirculating configurations. Several sizes are also available to accommodate different heart sizes including mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit or cat.

High quality modular tissue/organ baths, suitable for in vitro dose-response studies in research and teaching labs. 

Two-, Four- and Eight-Chamber Organ Baths that include pre-heating reservoir coils, gas diffusers, tissue holders, micropositioners, a water pump and thermostat controller.

The ADInstruments Rodent NIBP CODA® Monitor Sets are designed to non-invasively record volume pressure recordings (VPR) in rodents as a method to reliably and accurately measure blood pressure in rodents.

This is an FMS instrument that provides non-invasive beat-to-beat blood pressure monitoring in humans. This includes the Wrist Unit and 3m connection cable only. All peripherals are purchased separately.

A simple to use, low cost intracellular amplifier that is ideal for the classroom.

Ideal for the classroom, the audio monitor allows students to use audio rather than visual cues in neurophysiology laboratories.

Battery operated thermometer for use with T-type Thermocouple probes.

Ideal for student laboratories, the thermoregulated water pump heats and circulates water through the jacketing of the Single Chamber Organ Bath.

The tBase is both a wireless power supply and receiver for Kaha Sciences mouse telemeters.

The SmartPad is a receiver and charger in a single unit and will power and receive signals from any Kaha rat telemeter.

The Configurator System combines both the configurator hardware and ConfigSoft software to allow the wireless configuration and pairing of Kaha rat telemeters and their SmartPads and Kaha mouse telemeters and their tBases.

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